“Resilience works like a muscle we can build through effort and repetition, and we want to keep our muscles strong and flexible, so we can think of many ways to solve a problem.” – Dr. Mary Alvord, Founder & President


Resilience refers to the ability to adapt well to life and its challenges.

Children may struggle to bounce back from challenges due to a variety of factors including difficulty with self-regulation and limited social competence.

Childhood resilience is associated with numerous positive outcomes including improved behavior, peer relationships, family functioning, and academic achievement.

What We Do

  • Interventions

    for underserved youth

    We work with schools in underserved communities to provide our resilience programming to their students. Our interventions focus on building resilience because it has shown to contribute to youth’s emotional and physical well-being as well as a healthy transition into adulthood.

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  • Training

    for educators and clinicians

    We know that every child can benefit from our resilience research and practices. We train educators to deliver our proven curriculum and provide ongoing support throughout the program. We also provide continuing education trainings to mental health practitioners around the world.

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  • Research

    is at the heart of what we do

    Our programs and trainings are grounded in well-documented evidence that our approach improves children’s lives now and into adulthood. We are actively collecting data from youth, parents, and educators to continuously assess and refine our intervention.

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